Microneedling is a cosmetics procedure that uses tiny needles to pinprick your skin which prompts collagen production and skin rejuvenation. 

Don’t think “needles,” think “collagen.” 

Collagen, collagen, collagen. Anti-aging is the game and collagen is your new best friend. 

Anything with the word “needle” in it sounds pretty intimidating – not to mention when it’s being suggested that the needle be pin pricking you all over your face. As crazy as it may sound, hear us out and learn everything you need to know about microneedling. 

If you’re reading this, hats off to you – you’re brave for even looking into microneedling. We promise your bravery will be rewarded with youthful, bouncy, and radiant skin. 

While microneedling may seem intense at first, it’s actually more natural than other popular skin care trends. Microneedling is less invasive than treatments like botox, or a vampire facial, and it doesn’t involve any chemical concoctions either. It doesn’t involve a safety waiver, or lengthy ingredient list, and it can even be done from the comfort of your own home.

We’re all on the pursuit of youthfulness and microneedling just may be the answer. 

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is the process of using microneedles to create tiny puncture wounds along the top layer of your skin. The purpose of microneedling is to stimulate collagen production and the growth of new skin tissue in the desired area. 

The tiny pinpricks trick our body into thinking that it is wounded. The body naturally responds by sending extra collagen and elastin to the area. This creates new, fresh skin tissue in order to repair the “wound” and leaves us with a glowing complexion.  

Think about falling and scraping your arm; your body reacts in the same way. Red blood cells will be pumped to the area and will create collagen. The collagen then creates the foundation for new tissue. New skin becomes created and takes the place of the old skin. And voila! Now that’s what you call “fresh faced” and it’s all thanks to your new best friend (collagen). 

Collagen is a protein that our bodies naturally produce which helps our skin appear bouncy, firm, and plump. Collagen is the protein that really works to strengthen our skin; stronger skin will have more elasticity to it and is less likely to become saggy. 

The microneedling process can also be thought of as vertical exfoliation, which creates a firmer and smoother appearance of the skin. Microneedling offers several other benefits such as:

In terms of negative side effects, microneedling has very few. The first worry that people have is that it will hurt – it doesn’t. Most people explain the experience as a light buzzing feeling along their skin. The most common side effect is redness after the procedure – this usually goes away in a matter of hours or in some cases, two to three days. Some people experience bleeding after the procedure, but this is very uncommon. 

The Process

Microneedling is usually done with a dermatologist or aesthetician in a clinic. It is recommended that patients begin to prep their skin one month before the procedure. Prepping the skin commonly entails using a vitamin A and C serum regularly. These vitamin serums will begin to encourage slight collagen production on their own.  

On the day of, a dermatologist will apply numbing cream to the desired area half an hour before beginning the procedure. Your skin will then be thoroughly cleansed before you’re ready to begin. Skin is then stretched out and the microneedling pen is rolled in all directions, all over your face. There may be slight bleeding – this is both minimal and temporary and can easily be controlled. 

Once the procedure is finished, a collagen enhancing serum is usually applied to the area. Sometimes, an ice pack is also used in order to bring down any swelling that has occurred. 

Microneedling is most effective if the treatment is repeated multiple times. This procedure can be repeated every 4-6 weeks until desired results are achieved. If the main goal is to promote collagen in the desired area, three treatments will do the trick. If the main goal is to reduce scars or discoloration, three to six treatments are recommended. Results will be the most visible and dramatic four to six weeks after the procedure. 

The cost of microneedling treatments varies depending on where you go. That being said, prices can range anywhere from $100 to $700 per session. It’s definitely not an inexpensive procedure, but with something as intimate and important as the skin on your face, microneedling is not something you want to be cutting corners on. 

This treatment can also be done to other areas of the body, such as legs, chest, or butt. Any area of skin that needs a boost can be treated with microneedling. 

In recent years, at home microneedling has become increasingly popular. It may even be favored over going to a clinic because it produces the same results, at a fraction of the cost, and from the comfort of your own home. 

At Home Microneedling

At home microneedling is commonly referred to as “dermarolling” and is done with a dermaroller device. Just like with microneedling done by a doctor, dermarolling creates tiny wounds which induce the production of collagen and elastin in order to create fresh, new, bouncy skin cells. 

A dermaroller is a handheld device that is shaped like a slightly larger than average shaver. It will have a smooth handle on one side and a roller on the other side which will have the tiny needles on it. The length of the needles will vary between devices but are usually between 1-2mm. Different length needles can help you achieve different desired results. 

What size is best?

Here’s a table outlining the different lengths that will work best for what you’re trying to accomplish.

TreatmentNeedle Length (mm)
Skin discoloration0.2 – 1.0 
Enlarged pores0.25 – 0.5
Hyperpigmentation0.25 – 0.5
Uneven skin tone/texture0.5
Wrinkles0.1 – 1.5
Saggy skin0.1 – 1.5
Light acne scars1.0
Deep acne scars1.5
Surgical scar1.5
Stretch marks 1.5 – 2.0

Keep in mind that with microneedling and dermarolling, bigger isn’t always better. Your skin is still fragile and creating deeper wounds will not help you achieve better results. Longer needles can penetrate past the epidermis (the top layer of your skin) and reach the dermis (the “core”), which is full of nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands that you do not want to disturb. 

The longer the needle you use, the longer you should wait between sessions. This is because the longer needle penetrates deeper and your skin will need longer to completely recover. 

At Home Microneedling: How to?

Microneedling can be done at home safely and efficiently in five easy steps. 

Step 1: Cleanse face and pat dry. 

Step 2: Use prepping pads in order to condition the areas of skin that you intend to treat. (Most at home tools will come with their own prepping cleanser or pads)

Step 3: Roll microneedling tool across targeted areas of the face in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions for 60 seconds. No need to apply pressure. 

Step 4: Spend a few extra seconds on desired spot treatments; perhaps nose-to-mouth lines, pores beside the nose, or stubborn stress wrinkles

Step 5: Finish by applying your favorite facial serum or moisturizer. 


Post-microneedling or dermarolling, there are a few things you can do to take care of your skin. Paying attention to aftercare will help your skin stay happy and ensure that you get the best results possible.

It’s normal to experience slight redness after microneedling. Pinkness or redness that is comparable to a sunburn is to be expected. This usually disappears within a few hours but may take up two two or three days for those who have especially sensitive skin. 

The Takeaway

Microneedling can help us look younger, prevent aging, and reverse signs of aging – triple whammy. Definitely worth a couple of pokes to the face, right?

Microneedling increases levels of collagen and elastin, which promote plumpness, firmness, and helps thicken our skin. Microneedling reduces wrinkles, heals scars, shrinks pores, and improves texture. The tiny holes that microneedling creates also allows your skin to absorb more of the products that you use on your face afterwards, thus making them more effective. 

What can’t it do!?

If the $700 price tag is a little too steep for you, try at home microneedling. It’s safe, effective, and we’ve already told you everything else you need to know anyways. 

With nothing to lose and youthfulness to gain, microneedling may be the answer to all of our prayers.